Преподаватель Бейонсе о скандале с ее семьей: «Она мне ни разу не позвонила» David Lee brewer was the first who recognized in the young girl is a future superstar. Because of conflict with parents Beyonce man stopped to give her lessons. Former coach celebrity very disappointed that no longer communicates with his ward.

      Преподаватель Бейонсе о скандале с ее семьей: «Она мне ни разу не позвонила»

      David Lee brewer revealed to the world the many performers who could win the love and recognition worldwide. One of the most prominent wards of the vocal coach is a well – known group Destiny’s Child. Recently mentor Beyonce came to Moscow at the invitation of the “Academy of popular music of Igor Krutoy” to select the most talented children from which in the future will increase the real stars.

      At the meeting, David told to the correspondent “StarHit”, that it really hurt, when his disciples be ungrateful for what he did for them. It happened with Beyonce. Despite the fact that he raised her from the world-famous singer, now they do not have any contacts.

      “She never calls me, it’s sad. She doesn’t have my number, I have her, she’s a star now. We parted on a high note. They hired another teacher, because I wanted to sing in a different key. Soon beyoncé has canceled a speech she had problems with ligaments. And then I thought, what if something happens to her voice, to blame her mother,” shared memories of Lee brewer.

      The teacher told me that for 12 years was raised from a little girl’s future celebrity. He admits that Beyonce was so focused on music that no matter what are not distracted and listened to every word of his mentor. However, the influence of parents was so strong that she decided to abandon the classes with David. After this incident, Lee brewer decided to pay attention, first, to relatives of the child.

      “When I start to work with children, I first look at parents – shares his experience of David. I’m trying to instill that we are working with them in the same team and our goal is to make their child an artist. If mom and dad are too demanding to Chad or Vice versa, not interested in his success, he feels this tension and can’t sing.”

      Преподаватель Бейонсе о скандале с ее семьей: «Она мне ни разу не позвонила»

      Recently Lee brewer at the invitation of Igor Krutoy reviewed by young talents, who have come throughout Russia and certain CIS countries and selected 10 people, in which the person was engaged during the nine days. David dreams that he will be able to find real talents that could work on the big stage. He wants to do Russian boys and girls the stars of world scale.

      “I want to bring my friends from the recording studios around the world. It will be a serious job to discover the talent of children and to prepare them for the professional stage. I only work with those in whom I see potential stars. This immediately give the eyes, mannerisms – like the baby’s moving, talking. I do not take in pupils those who just want popularity. We must work hard to reach heights,” says David.