Last week it became known that the star couple Pavel Volya and Laysan utiasheva decided to radically change his life and moved to Spain. The statement said that the star couple intends to live in warm and Sunny European country, but work Paul and Rosie will continue in Russia.
Many fans of the couple have supported their decision with the change of place of residence, but there were those who reproached the Will and Utiasheva treason. They say that money they will “take away” from their to spend in exile.
Today it became clear that the rumors about the migration of couples abroad are greatly exaggerated.
Moving to Spain said the athlete Laysan: “We were very surprised of this news. Love to travel with family, including in Spain, we have a lot of friends, but the move we’re not going anywhere!”.
In addition, Rosie has admitted that he became Ambassador of the world championship on football of 2018. Competitions will be held from 14 June to 15 July in Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saransk, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Sochi and Rostov-on-don.