Famous star lawyer Sergei Zhorin Nikita Dzhigurda is accused of his troubles related to his wife Marina Anisina those.
Says human rights activist, the chair believes that the hostility towards him from the side Dzhigurda due to the fact that he allegedly had intimate relations with Anisina those. “Dzhigurda hostility towards me due to the fact that at some point he began to accuse the Marina is that she allegedly cheated on him with me, “said the lawyer, and later added that personally with my client he had to see not so often.
The attacks Dzhigurda against Gorina has not ended. Nikita Miller was extremely dissatisfied with the fact that the lawyer did not appear at the court session on inheritance Ludmila Bartash (we will remind, according to the will Nikita received 800 million rubles).
“On litigation by inheritance, I do, because this thing I do not do. As for divorces, I do on this issue represent the interests of the Marina, “said attorney and no longer wanted to endure in his address the attacks Dzhigurda. On his page in Instagram Sergey said that males fight with showman is not going to participate, but to perform the rite of exorcism may still: “When the chair declares some patsanski showdowns, I want to remind him that people living at the expense of women (Alphonse) and defaming Her all over the country — can hardly be considered a kid. Especially after today’s announcement Dzhigurda about sexual orientation. In cockfights Morrice not going to participate for the following reasons: I am not a cock, the cock 55 years, it is not healthy, my trusting mind.
But if the chair will meet me somewhere in a deserted place, and show aggression — happy to give him an exorcism”.
By the way, Zhorin sure that the eccentric behavior of the showman can be associated with the use of certain drugs.
“Dzhigurda really dangerous for his family and for society. In my opinion, aggression may be associated with abuse of psychotropic or narcotic drugs. Will insist on conducting an appropriate medical examination”, — says Zhorin in Instagram.