Sergei Zhorin told about the intention to repel the artist.
Sergei Zhorin and Nikita Dzhigurda
The divorce Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina those, gradually turns into a real show. Immediately after it became known that the skater filed for divorce from her husband, appeared in the media information about what is Nikita going to deal with fists with her lawyer Sergey Garinim. According to Dzhigurda, his wife was allegedly brainwashed its legal representative, which he was determined to call Sergei to a duel. The lawyer said Nikita through social networks.
“When the chair declares some patsanski showdowns, I want to remind him that people living at the expense of women (Alphonse) and defaming Her all over the country — can hardly be considered a kid — admitted lawyer Anisina those. In cockfights Morrice not going to participate for the following reasons: I am not a cock, the cock 55 years old, he’s not healthy and my trusting mind. But if the chair will meet me somewhere in a deserted place, and show aggression — happy to give him an exorcism!”
By the way, a few days ago the army announced its coming out, which is usually accompanied by recognition of their own homosexual. At the same time he claimed that he intends immediately after the divorce to marry an American, but the identity of the “lucky ladies” are not disclosed. Yes and no explicit statements about their belonging to the LGBT community on the part of the showman was not followed. Moreover, now on his page in social networks, he expresses the outrage that the media had misinterpreted his words.