Последняя любовь Натальи Юнниковой разбила ей сердце Shortly before his death, the actress gave a Frank interview. Natalia Yunnikova shed light on the reasons why she decided to leave the team of the popular series “Return of Mukhtar”. As it turned out, the woman had an affair with a colleague.
Последняя любовь Натальи Юнниковой разбила ей сердце

At the end of September died 37-year-old star of the TV series “Return of Mukhtar” Natalia Yunnikova. The woman was in intensive care after falling in his apartment. The actress hit her head and ended up in the hospital with massive bleeding in the brain. The doctors brought Natalia into an artificial coma. A few days later the woman died, without regaining consciousness.

Recently journalists have published the latest interview of Natalia Yunnikova that she gave a month before the tragic events. The actress admitted that is experiencing financial difficulties, and complained of loneliness. According to Natalia, she had several reasons to withdraw from the series “Return of Mukhtar”, among which was fellowship with his son. Yunnikova would surround the boy with concern.

Последняя любовь Натальи Юнниковой разбила ей сердце“I could no longer see his child for two days per month. Said the producers: “Kill me or shoot but finalize the season – and that’s it!” And left the project,” said the actress.
Последняя любовь Натальи Юнниковой разбила ей сердце

Natalia also admitted that while working on the show lost his head from a colleague named Alex. But over time it became clear that the beloved actress does not have the same strong feelings. Moreover, the man, as claimed Yunnikova purposely fooled her head. It lasted three years.

“Alex was on his knees, begged to be with him, surrounded with attention, called his beloved and only. Such a pressure is hard to resist – surrendered. And then it turned out that it’s only a game: first, he lied divorced, and then promised to leave his wife… I fell in love so often that it ceased to possess: sends – crying and whining, curled up on the bed and finger me beckoned – run to him like a dog!.. And work on one platform, and stuck with each other nowhere” – shared the actress.
Последняя любовь Натальи Юнниковой разбила ей сердце

The woman said that the chosen one had asked her to borrow, but was in no hurry to return the money. “If I needed something, didn’t help, I helped him with money” – shared Natalia. At some point Yunnikova desperate so I started to think about suicide.

“One day, sat on the window sill, looked up from his eleventh floor and I thought, “Why live, if he doesn’t want me?” And at this point, from the corridor came the voice of her son: “MA-am!” Me like a cold shower rinse immediately got down on the floor. Roland saved me,” said the actress.

Subsequently, Natalia berated herself for showing weakness. Yunnikova was afraid of hurting their loved ones. About a year ago, the actress got to the hospital, and appeared in the press news with headings: “Actress Yunnikova died.” Then her mother was frightened in earnest.

After retiring from the popular series that made her known all over the country, Natalia Yunnikova and are unable to find happiness in his personal life. The woman wanted to remarry and become a mother. “The worst thing for me, now that love is not” – said deceased actress “the Collection a Caravan of stories”.