Лариса Гузеева заговорила о проблемах в браке

The last few days in the national media spread the news that the leading First channel and actress Larisa Guzeeva is divorcing her husband. Many media reported that the couple decided to end their marriage, which lasted from 1999. To hide from journalists Larisa did not and said that was the beginning of the end.

Guzeeva said that the past winter was for their family is extremely difficult. The couple fought all the time: “We with Igor were going through a tough winter, says Guzeeva. Everything I said earlier about our breakup, really. No I think without a fire. We together with Igor for 20 years, anything can happen. Our brains engaged and we decided not to tell the country. What happened with us, can survive and we survived. But a family crisis has not been overcome, we still live separately.”

Note that the fans of the actress though and I wish her a speedy reunion with her husband, they fear that guzeyeva can stare at another man. For example, recently, Larisa was seen in a Moscow restaurant in the company of actor Euclid of Kurdzidis. Actress microblogging in Instagram also updated sometimes jointly with Euclid photos.

Is there cause for concern? To speculate on this matter, we are not taken.