Лариса Гузеева объяснила, почему поменяла имя
57-year-old presenter told us about how her name is now.

Larisa Guzeeva with her daughter Cherish

Photo: @_larisa_guzeeva_ Instagram Larisa Guzeeva

Larisa Guzeeva is an active user of social networks. TV presenter personally to “lead” their accounts: publishes photos of his personal life, read the comments and sometimes enters into discussions with the subscribers. Recently Larissa has decided to change the “name” on Instagram.

It turned out that the old “nick” Guzeeva associated with her childhood nickname. “Dear subscribers, all this time I lived in a childhood nickname. Well, what I Guzya? I Guzeeva. I’m coming back. Thank you for your support and help in getting rid of fakes!” — said Larissa.

Incidentally, Guzeeva communicates with fans in the microblog in characteristic of her tough style. Not so long ago on her page, there was an angry message to the address of criticizing her detractors. “Subscribe to the neighbors! Got your anger! I don’t need flattery, do not need compliments, but your rudeness any more will not tolerate — bath immediately, and my dear and kind subscribers thank you so much!” — she wrote.

By the way, once told Larissa, she is closely monitoring the online activity of her husband, Igor Bukharov. This fall the couple had a big fight that Guzeeva checked my husband’s phone. According to the presenter, looking at the list of friends in social setanswer wife, she came across “lady”, which she didn’t like. Guzeeva went for explanations to her husband, but he was unable convincingly to explain how a girl knows that Larissa is a suspicion of infidelity. This was the reason for the outbreak of the scandal between Guzeeva and her husband, who, in recognition of the main matchmaker of the country, almost ended in a divorce.