Леди Гагу жестоко изуродовали художники Музея Мадам Тюссо.
Fans of the singer compared the statue with the elf Dobby.

Леди Гагу жестоко изуродовали художники Музея Мадам Тюссо.

Lady Gaga


Networks have raised this storm: fans of the 31-year-old Lady Gaga are outraged by the new statue of their
idol. Photo “masterpiece” shared
already 1300 fans of the singer and now all indignantly discussing the failed
a wax sculpture.

“work of art” appeared recently in the Peruvian branch of Madame
London. One of the fans of the singer saw the statue and was so shocked that shared
he made a picture in a social network, accompanied with the comment: “I
not able to understand how could any professional artist
to pay for THIS?”

fans were more than rough. “God, what is it??” with fear asked
some. Others remarked: “It is not Gaga and Donatella Versace! Or, at the worst
in the end, Iggy Pop…”. And some came to the conclusion that the singer has turned
suspiciously like … a house-elf Dobby from the “Harry Potter”!

Леди Гагу жестоко изуродовали художники Музея Мадам Тюссо.

Wax copy Lady Gaga

Photo: twitter

indeed, the statue really turned out terrible. According to the authors,
had to portray Gaga in one of the most controversial moments of his
career when in 2010 she came to the ceremony MTV Video Awards in
the famous “meat dress”, with “clutch” of meat and a slice of meat on his head,
depicting hat. However, the “miracle painter”, although he could, in General terms,
play outfit Gaga managed to do it with
this dramatically sharpen the face of the singer, to supply it long as a witch’s nose, and
normally shiny well-groomed hair, the singer transform into a hideous, tangled

Wax copy Lady Gaga

Photo: twitter