Кайли Миноуг рассказала о своем нервном срыве
The singer admitted why I broke up with my fiance.

Кайли Миноуг рассказала о своем нервном срыве

Kylie Mino


Despite the fact that Kylie Minogue, who will soon celebrate its 50th anniversary, has broken off her engagement with fiance Joshua Sasse more than a year ago, in February of last year, she only recently managed to regain composure. “I don’t
would like to dramatize the situation, but I had to go through a prolonged nervous
breakdown — shared Kylie in a recent interview. — I was in
a terrible state, crying and couldn’t stop. Felt like my whole
the body has malfunctioned. I was shaking, I didn’t want anything. My mind just
refused to accept what happened.” To gain
at least relative peace of mind, it took her quite a long
holiday in Thailand. But in the end, after going through the trials, she only became stronger. The star claims that she managed
to restore a sense of self-esteem and to become oneself.

“I’m afraid marriage is not for me,”
the singer admitted. “As for me
and Joshua, started we are all well. And we did, as usual
do all couples — engaged. But, apparently, happened
too fast… fortunately, still managed to realize before the wedding that we are too different
people. Although this solution was given to me more than difficult,” explained Kylie herself the wreck of his novel.

However, gossips are sure that Minogue has terminated its
engagement for a different reason. According to reporters,
Kylie kicked case of the house, and after it was caught in
the affair: Sasse cheated on the singer with a younger actress Marta Milans. About his affair
written while tabloids around the world. Anyway, now Kylie
feels good and happy life.

Kylie Minogue and Joshua Sasse