Курбан Омаров поделился секретом успешного ведения бизнеса
Husband Ksenia Borodina, businessman Kurban Omarov shared one trick.

Курбан Омаров поделился секретом успешного ведения бизнеса

Eid admitted that she often checks your business, looking at it through the eyes of the customer. About this he wrote on his page in Instagram.

“On weekends I often go quietly to see how our projects from the client side. It seems to me, that is the ability to go out in the field – one of the most important skills in business. Whatever you’re doing, no matter how high the office you had, the only way to keep a finger on the pulse and understand what your client really wants.

Курбан Омаров поделился секретом успешного ведения бизнеса

An example of policy, where officials who emerge from offices and travel around the territory, talk to people, ask about problems – always have such popularity among people. Out of interest, in the Ulyanovsk region, now and at all necessarily forced Ministers to work at least a week in the villages in the designated area. Here as in the series with a novel about the Minister of culture, only in life. That is, the Minister of education to work in school health care clinic”,

– told the Eid.

Subscribers was only one question that haunts for many years – what exactly does a firm Omarova?

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