Ксения Собчак намекнула на пол будущего ребенка The TV host shared on Instagram a photo where she is dressed in a slinky dress. Fans of Ksenia said that she looks amazing. Many of them also began to debate about who is born in the family of Sobchak and Vitorgan – a boy or a girl.

      Very soon in the life of 34-year-old Ksenia Sobchak happens happy event – a star will become a mom. Leading, which is located in the last months of pregnancy, published in his Instagram a photo where she tried on a slinky dress.

      “Style”: the best outfits pregnant Ksenia Sobchak

      “I love the Golden autumn. Best time of the year. Already not sweat, but not freeze”, – said Ksenia in one of his social networks.

      Fans of the presenter, by analyzing the shape of her belly, began to discuss what sex will be the heir of the leading and renowned actor. Most of the followers of Xenia agreed that the lead is expecting a boy. Subscribers Sobchak also started to congratulate her on the upcoming replenishment in the family. “Son, one hundred percent, because you have an acute stomach”, “most Likely to appear Vitorgan, Jr.”, “the girl is a bit different tummy. Though what difference – if only the child was healthy”, “I too with the boy protruded navel. Happiness Ksusha and the baby”, “Beautiful belly peg. Exactly the guy is,” wrote the fans of a celebrity in the comments to the publication.

      Recall that recently a friend of Ksenia Svetlana Bondarchuk provoked conversations about the fact that the leading actor and having twins. The socialite posted a photo of the party, accompanied by its inscription: “to glance, you can determine who waits,” and smiles with two eyes and two kids. Followers Bondarchuk decided that the celebrity has hinted at heirs Sobchak. However, other members of the chief editor of a glossy magazine thought that the third friend Svetlana – restaurateur Dina habirova too will become a mother soon.

      By the way, previously Ksenia Sobchak complained to his followers that gained extra pounds. The star admits that lately, she’s often drawn to eat something high in calories and “bad”. “I only lettuce” – with these words she accompanied with a short video in which she takes the dish a tablespoon of the huge plates. Leading fans appreciated her humor and wished the star a pleasant meal. According to many, during pregnancy, Xenia began to look better than before. “I love you, you’re so positive”, “Pregnancy suits you”, “You look great”, “Happy for you, Xenia,” wrote the followers Sobchak in the review to its publications. Ksenia Sobchak is experiencing due to the extra weight