Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу» Leading “House-2” told “StarHit” as the youngest daughter reconciles with her husband. Ksenia Borodina sure that the spouse Kurban Omarov not allow myself to look at other women. However, she admitted she sometimes gets mad if she doesn’t have enough of his attention.
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»

Celebrity March 8 is the 35th anniversary. To celebrate the anniversary of Xenia will fly out of gloomy Moscow to Italy. Beside her on this day will be the closest. “Every morning I thank God that I have two wonderful daughters, a loving husband, friends and a job that gives you the opportunity to fulfil their potential,” says Borodin “StarHit”.

“I want to be a Daisy”

Already know that the Eid will give on birthday?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»Almost, because the last week doing all sorts of allusions. I’m picky, so I prefer to receive a gift of something expected. Many people love surprises, but I have a taste – you will not please. Of course, Eid knows which flowers and perfumes I prefer. But on larger purchases it is better to agree, it is a pity, if presented with expensive stuff does not bring happiness and is not the case. —
Many women after 30 years of age are embarrassed and hide it. How about you?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»Unconcerned about the figures. I like my appearance. Think 22 looked worse nervous over small things, was disappointed in people. And today gladly accept the body, face, and, above all, brains. At 35 you are already wise, less likely to fail and easier to around relate. Life becomes calmer.—
If you could turn back time, what would you fix?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»You know, nothing. Everything that was wrong, I think the experience that helped in future not to make mistakes. —
And what do you see yourself in 20 years?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»A little more grumpy than it is today. But seriously, I hope, will remain the same – ready for anything. No matter how young, age is age: it takes strength, over the years you difficult to decide on something. But I look at the grandmother, who is 81 and mother – they are PEP! I want the same.

“I don’t need the dirt”

Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»
In July it will be three years since you and Eid were married. After this period of time, many couples break up: life got, the feelings faded…
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»I hope that this statement is just a stereotype, I like not feel. Of course, nobody is insured from accidents in family life, but I want to believe that everything will be fine, for what both are willing to work hard. For three years we got used, studied each other. Close, including due to Theon. Daughter has multiplied our love and made it stronger. In the beginning it was all passion, emotion, and now a bit quieter. Although, of course, serocki masherochkoy did not, do not sit next to each other 24 hours a day, looking in the mouth. The husband is still able to surprise: he doesn’t need a reason to invite in a restaurant to donate a trip to Rome, suddenly coming to work. For me, the most important concern of Eid, which is shown in the morning warmed up the car, and in control, not over whether gasoline and have lunch if I can… Happiness because it is in these details. —
My husband often gives rise to jealousy?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»I’m a Keeper – to a lesser extent than before, but still. And the husband, fortunately, rarely makes you nervous. There are individuals sitting in a restaurant with a friend and staring at other women, I catch myself often on such views. Kurban. And for me other men is taboo. Sometimes, not enough attention to the wife, and I’m angry, capricious. But I would not mind to go and look for another person. I’m loyal, and like dirt are not needed. —
But everything can’t be perfect like in the movies?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»Of course, sometimes, I swear, we are real people. But again, thanks Thea have less to fight. Once was able to row and not to talk as much as two weeks up to a maximum of the evening, because the baby can’t see how the parents sulk at each other. No matter what the day, before going night to bed, be sure to put up. Because of the repair, which recently finished, was also in conflict. But, fortunately, rare. Eid is not one of those men who begin to command, saying that I was crying, then he will choose which flooring to lay. Because of these people even get divorced… We were able to compromise and arrange the house the way you like both, although some fighting a little bit- each for their own interests. —
Eid gives you tips on doing business?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»Of course, his opinion is always heard. Husband feels people, unlike me. Can sometimes be deceived, and he didn’t. —
What would you never forgive?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»Such things are impossible to say out loud – I believe that thus send a message into space. We used to fight, terrorizing each other beforehand: “if you do that, you know, I’m leaving you!” And then I realized – this is stupid, it is necessary to solve problems as they arrive.—
For your relationship to social media following of more than 12 million people. It is not difficult to be constantly on the mind?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»Hard one: people not knowing me, nor Kurban, make conclusions, how we live, how distributed the chores, how much they earn. This upsetting. Otherwise no difficulties. Recently there was a revealing situation. A friend chatted with a friend, a PR girl which says: they say, let the Council Borodina, how to attract attention, let divorce or let a duck that Eid al beat her up. A friend gave these words, I laughed. But really such things are upsetting: people need intrigue, disassembly, and quiet happiness less interesting. Yes, I am a rather controversial program, but to do the show from her life not ready. Fortunately, there are fans who love me and unbroken divorcee. I would not like to recall those difficult moments that we had with Eid. Not ready to jump out of panties and denigrate the family, if only I was signed up and offered more money for sponsored posts. No millions of followers aren’t worth it. I once made the mistake of showing the audience the emotions, for which highly paid: people still remember the situation two years ago when we almost divorced.
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»
Spreading the Network a photo of yourself and children, do not fear the evil eye?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»I’m a man nesesery, but said such a rule: as soon as I put in on Instagram sharing a photo with her husband, then quarrel. Don’t know what it is – envy, evil eye… So I try as seldom as possible to share.—
Unlike many stars, you answer comments to their posts, arguing with subscribers. Why?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»I’m all for communicating with people, because otherwise what’s the point in blogging? You know, most celebrities don’t even read what they write followers, exclusively narcissism: hung photos and that’s it. And I wonder what people think, and if I don’t agree with his point of view, ready to engage in dialogue. In my Instagram, as in any family, there is praise, and quarrels. We have such a fun life!

“Protect daughters from publicity”

Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»
Earlier in an interview with “StarHit” Eid admitted that the birth of his daughter made him a “rag”, and you, on the contrary, the strict parent. Not the roles were reversed?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»In fact, Thea certainly has power over me. Not that she forbid. I hope she doesn’t read this interview and not realize that my mom can twist the rope… But her strong character Theon kind girl and easy to negotiate, not stubborn, though, and the Capricorn. Not hysterics, shouting “Buy! Give!”. Of course, sometimes can be naughty. For example, do not like to clean up the toys for it, though rarely, however, goes in the corner, humbly lowering his head. However, long was not worth it – in the first minute sorry. Sometimes unable to read because of greed, if, for example, does not give the nurse a toy.—
Marussia have not yet decided what to be when you grow up?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»No, although recently expressed a desire to dance in addition to gymnastics. Don’t know how she will manage, but don’t want to restrict it. Promises that can handle it. —
At school, she’s probably bombarded with requests to bring mom’s autograph?
Ксения Бородина: «Ради дочек бросаю работу»No, she learns many children of celebrities, for them this is not unusual. And it pleases me, I want as much as possible to protect Mara from their publicity. Not like, for example, when it is photographed. Trying to protect daughters from the status of “children of stars”. Because of this do not work on weekends, refused to tour. I pity the offspring of public persons who do not see parents at their hour of employment. Recently met an actress, known for workaholism was with her daughter. The little girl had such sad eyes – I have as much heart sank. Don’t want that for my girls. Career, business and success is all well and good, but my family always was and will be in the first place. No matter what happens!