Ксения Бородина рекламирует вещевой рынок

Last summer Ksenia Borodina got in a bad situation .The paparazzi photographed TV presenter and her friend Katya Zhuzha on the clothing market “Dubrovka” while they did the shopping. Everything would be fine. Stars are people too and can shop where they want. If not one “but”. After shopping, Borodin has published in Instagram photo with a friend, made in the car. “Rushing with shopping”, — has signed a snapshot of the presenter, noting geolocation “GUM Shopping center”.

Fans of such deception can not stand steel and brought down a TV star a storm of criticism.

A little bit of forgetting the unpleasant situation, for which Xenia even had to defend himself, now officially, and not from-under floors Borodin advertises a new clothing market. In my blog the mother of two children painted how comfortable her outfit in “Savelovsky” — the new built shopping Mall, which many habit is still considered by the market.

“For the umpteenth time that I visit with family in Savelovsky, everything is in one place #Savelovsky #Savel #Fashion#Baby #owl especially owl I spend most of the time, as for bodykit,diapers, overalls, I usually take it! All the girls there were brought”, — stated in the post Borodina.

“Only Borodin may advertise the Savelovsky market),” — said one of the subscribers, the post Xenia.


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