Кристина Орбакайте без яркого макияжа восхитила фанатов
Fans of the popular singer Christina Aguilera used to see her with bright makeup, which she does for publication.

Кристина Орбакайте без яркого макияжа восхитила фанатов

Recently, the same in the microblog singer appeared the photo on which she is depicted almost without makeup. Appearance Christine admired her subscribers.

Кристина Орбакайте без яркого макияжа восхитила фанатов

“Today was a very cozy evening at home, thanks to the hospitable owner of the house @fkirkorov and its big family!”, – signed photo of Aguilera.

We will remind that at present the singer with her husband and daughter is staying with Philip Kirkorov in Miami.

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