Кристина Орбакайте разместила ретро-снимок, поздравив Владимира Преснякова с юбилеем
Yesterday, March 29, greetings happy birthday took a popular singer Vladimir Presnyakov, who turned 50 years.

Кристина Орбакайте разместила ретро-снимок, поздравив Владимира Преснякова с юбилеем

In the microblog Christina Aguilera appeared the photo on which she is depicted together with the ex-spouse in his youth. In the caption, the singer congratulated Presnyakova birthday.

Кристина Орбакайте разместила ретро-снимок, поздравив Владимира Преснякова с юбилеем

“Happy Birthday, happy Anniversary @presnyakovvladimir we had a lovely childhood! Thanks for the song and of the son,” he turned to her ex-husband Aguilera.

It is worth noting that the actors began Dating in 1987, and they have a son Nikita.

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