Кристен Стюарт постоянно тошнило на съёмках «Сумерек»

Vampire Saga “Twilight” was for actress Kristen Stewart real springboard to a great movie, but, as admitted herself a Hollywood celebrity in an interview with us Elle magazine, the film was extremely difficult.

Kristen admitted that every day of filming was suffering: she was constantly sick from the stress and worries (and we thought the pale skin of the actress is makeup).
“For me it was really stressful. I worried, my stomach hurt, I was sick, but indigestion was not – it was a problem of a different nature. Sometimes I experienced a panic attack” — said Stuart. Kristen, modest and quiet girl, was not ready for the spotlight that fell on her. In addition, she was afraid that such a brilliant role early in his career could make her a hostage to the image of Bella Swan and she will forever remain a heroine in one role.
Kristen said that only recently felt fear no more. She came out of a protracted depression. Contributed to this invitation woody Allen in the film “high life”, which premiered recently.

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