Кристен Стюарт выбрала неудачный наряд для выхода в свет
Loyal fans of the popular actress Kristen Stewart know what she prefers boys style in everyday life.

Кристен Стюарт выбрала неудачный наряд для выхода в свет

She often chooses torn jeans, t-shirts and sneakers, not particularly bothered about their appearance. But at social events the star image is always selected with great care, and it’s mostly feminine outfits.

Кристен Стюарт выбрала неудачный наряд для выхода в свет

Although the other day to one of the parties Kristen came in bright trousers with a high waist and ripped short t-shirt, as a result, the impression as if she forgot to change.

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