Кончаловский о Высоцкой: «Юлька говорит: ты мне чужой» The relatives of the spouse of the Director considers children. Andrei Konchalovsky is sure that his wife says is absolutely correct. This position is Julia Vysotskaya creates between them a necessary tension and gives a powerful energy. That is why the Creator of the movie is interesting next to the actress.
Кончаловский о Высоцкой: «Юлька говорит: ты мне чужой»

August 20, one of the most successful Directors of Russian cinema, Andrei Konchalovsky was 80 years old. In honor of the anniversary of the famous master of the First channel showed a documentary film “gravity Field of Andrei Konchalovsky”, which talked not only about the merits and works of the Creator of the movie, but also about his personal life.

For more than twenty years Andrew S. is happily married to actress and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya. Despite the difference in age of spouses is 36 years, their relationship can be considered an example to follow. In the film he admitted that his wife keeps him on his toes with his statements.

Кончаловский о Высоцкой: «Юлька говорит: ты мне чужой»“Julia says you’re a stranger to me. My children – they’re mine, and you may or may not be, – said Andrey Konchalovsky. – That’s right. Mom can’t choose your children, and husbands and wives come and go. And there is the correct voltage, and due to the fact that we are both Leos, there are also powerful collaborative energy.”

Julia remembered the moment of meeting her future husband. The actress admitted that there is no awkwardness because of the age difference then she is not experienced.

“The first time we sat down and at each other looked, and I immediately told him, “you,” admitted Vysotskaya. – There was no awkwardness, it was not overcome, it was not arrogance. I think it is not my merit that I was able to be liberated”.

Кончаловский о Высоцкой: «Юлька говорит: ты мне чужой»

In turn, Andrei Konchalovsky considers your age the key to their happy and harmonious relationship. The Director says that in forty years it was unbearable and could easily go from sweetheart. Andrey Konchalovsky has told, how survived the tragedy with her daughter Masha

“I was a completely different person. I was only interested in what is over the horizon, and didn’t cost me anything to collect the suitcase and go. Julia was really lucky that she met me already middle-aged man. The age difference is important in bad and good way at the same time”, – says Andrey Konchalovsky.
Кончаловский о Высоцкой: «Юлька говорит: ты мне чужой»

According to Yulia Vysotskaya, twenty years ago was young and frivolous, and absolutely no thought about the prospects of meeting with a famous Director. That, of course, only contributed to the development of their relationship.

“If I realize what I’m going to run, he would have felt it and left. Men are afraid women looking for prospects,” – said Julia.

Meanwhile, she became an actress of one of Director Andrei Konchalovsky. However, he is confident that the avatar would take place as a singer and without him.

“No one shoots and no invites, only because I am. But it is nonsense to think that without me she would not make a career”, – said Andrey.