Ким Кардашьян хочет кормить грудью ребенка от суррогатной матери

Kim Kardashian, who is expecting a third child from a surrogate mother, wants to breast feed the baby. Many would say that this is not possible, but the doctor stars a different opinion.

“Kim will have to drink a course of special drugs, which will prepare her for feeding. It is quite possible,” — quotes the words of Dr. Hollywood Life.

Kim Kardashian visited the Ellen DeGeneres, in which the presenter asked her about her future baby. Talking about the future replenishment, Kim accidentally (or maybe not) slip, telling that her daughter North is waiting for “the baby sister”. “My daughter thinks she’s clever. We have weekend was a holiday baby shower. Guests brought toys and gifts, and the North opened them the next day. She said, “Mom until my youngest sister was not born yet, I have to keep all the toys in his room and play with them. I have to save them for the younger sister,” says Kardashian.

The story was interrupted by the host, indicating that Kim announced the sex of the baby. Kardashian accepted the situation and confirmed that the family will soon have a girl. Knowing the sex of a baby, Ellen decided to find out and the name. Kim said that name until they came up with. She said that the baby shower Kim decided not to arrange traditional competitions and make it your own. They asked guests to write on the leaves the names of which they wanted to choose the right. It turned out that none of the names are not attracted to the pair. Her youngest daughter decided to name the baby better. “She has a toy. She called it the Old West. She calls everybody that.” says the star.

Recently, Kim talked about the feelings of the family, because soon the baby is born. “This time it’s different. People are mistaken if you think I took the easy way out. I think going this way is difficult because you have no control over the situation. Of course, find one you trust. However, it is difficult to realize that the first two children I was able to make myself, and the third can’t. A new experience for me, more difficult than the previous one,” says Kim.