Ким Кардашьян превзошла саму себя в откровенности наряда
Socialite Kim Kardashian appeared in public in a totally unimaginable manner.

Ким Кардашьян превзошла саму себя в откровенности наряда

After the incident with the robbery at the fashion Week in Paris, the “piquancy” of the outfits Kardashian has slowed down a bit, and they became more approximate to standard norms. But for a long time without your favorite outrageous outfits, as you can see, Kim can not live.

Ким Кардашьян превзошла саму себя в откровенности наряда

Ким Кардашьян превзошла саму себя в откровенности наряда

Recently, the network appeared the picture, which captured Kardashian in a white bodysuit and bra, and complements the image of a kind of Lacy “knickers”.

Ким Кардашьян превзошла саму себя в откровенности наряда

The outfit was the occasion for lively discussion among users about the appearance of Kim, which even eclipsed the discussion about the fact that the media personality had lost 4 pounds.

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