Ким Кардашьян не щадит волосы пятилетней дочери
Most often Kim Kardashian appears in public with perfectly straight hair and recently decided to make a five-year-old daughter North the same hairstyle.

Ким Кардашьян не щадит волосы пятилетней дочери

Although North naturally curly hair. In the microblog, Kim published a photo, which depicted a girl with her father Kanye West. Followers protested the fact that Kardashian doesn’t care about the health of the hair daughter’s.

Ким Кардашьян не щадит волосы пятилетней дочери

“Leave the baby’s hair alone, let itself will choose to hurt yourself whether, when you grow up”, “here I feel the heat, which damaged her hair” — write in the comments of the followers

Although some hastened to reassure particularly perturbed Network users, stating that the famous family, certainly, a whole team of top-notch stylists.

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