Ким Кардашьян советуется с сёстрами о суррогатном материнстве

In the new episode of the reality show “living with the Kardashian” Kim Kardashian discussed the possible surrogacy with his large sister Courtney. Kim, who dreams of a big family with Kanye West, told the relative that her body could not withstand another pregnancy since the previous two she barely survived.

The plans of star parents appeared surrogacy, but from the inner circle of one of the spouses were ever used, but because Kim decided to ask for advice from relatives. Courtney supported her, but was advised not to tell anyone about it.
“If you want to get a child through a surrogate mother, no one must know about it. So you will be able to have a baby for years, and nobody will know,” said the sister. Listen if her advice Kim – is not yet known, but one thing is clear — the most famous of the Kardashian has recovered after the Paris robbery and gradually returned to normal life.