Кендалл Дженнер примерила образ снежной королевы
Model Kendall Jenner one of the fashion shows came in a very pretty dress cold grey.

Кендалл Дженнер примерила образ снежной королевы

The model chose a very stylish and menacing way. She wore a dress with slits on the shoulders, which simultaneously served and the dress and Cape.

Кендалл Дженнер примерила образ снежной королевы

Кендалл Дженнер примерила образ снежной королевы

Thoughtful and focused look Kendall gave the image even more coldness and embodies the image of the snow Queen.

Кендалл Дженнер примерила образ снежной королевы

Also, she wore a very stylish way. By choosing a short, black dress with long sleeves. She complemented the look of high boots with the pants, which are now at the height of fashion. They are beautifully emphasized slender legs and gave the image of chic.

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