Кендалл Дженнер показала папарацци свою обнаженную грудь
A spokeswoman for the Kardashian clan Kendall Jenner arrived at the party in Paris in a totally transparent dress.

Кендалл Дженнер показала папарацци свою обнаженную грудь

The girl marched past the crowd of secular photographers, modestly downcast eyes, as if she was uncomfortable in such a close attention to the person. But to say that about Kendall Jenner, who spent his adult life spent in front of cameras is impossible.

Кендалл Дженнер показала папарацци свою обнаженную грудь

And the outfit of the girls said that modesty and she – two big differences, because through the transparent fabric of the dress perfectly visible bare Breasts.