Константин Хабенский раскрыл имя дочери The actor and his wife became parents over the weekend. They had a beautiful baby girl. Konstantin Khabensky who named their daughter Alexandra. The movie star was delighted by the birth of a baby. My daughter was the first joint child actor and Olga Litvinova.

      Константин Хабенский раскрыл имя дочери

      Over the weekend it became known that Konstantin Khabensky in the second time became the father. The actor and his wife Olga Litvinova daughter was born. The happy parents have already chosen a name for girl. The baby was named Alexandra.

      Konstantin Khabensky prefers to choose simple Russian names for their children. Eldest son of movie stars name is Ivan. He lives with his grandmother in Spain. Probably, very soon 8-year-old boy going to meet your sister.

      Keira Knightley often flies to her son in Barcelona. PHOTO

      Recall that the daughter of Deputy Director of “Mosfilm” Olga Litvinova and keira Knightley got married about three years ago. A couple a long time wanted to have a child in common. So when it became known that Olga was pregnant, the actor was very happy. The public learned of an interesting position spouses Knightley at the premiere of “election Day 2” where she came in free dress and refused to pose for photographers. Friends of the pair noted that Litvinov was prettier and all bloomed during pregnancy.

      The birth of a daughter pair is thoroughly prepared. Khabensky expanded living space, buying an apartment on the 15th floor of a luxury residential complex near the metro Novoslobodskaya. Apartment with an area of 140 squares cost about 70 million rubles. On the lower floors of high-rise buildings are the infirmary, a kindergarten, a swimming pool and a beauty salon. To go upstairs, you need to make a key to a special sensor in the Elevator. The entire complex is guarded.

      Knightley was happy to meet in my life a woman like Olga. Recall that Constantine was previously married to Anastasia Smirnova, mother of Ivan. They met in St. Petersburg in 1999 and fell for each other almost from first sight. However, after nine years in the family tragedy struck. Anastasia was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Despite all the efforts of actor and chemotherapy, a woman could not be saved. Knightley really cried. In order to help others who find themselves in a difficult situation, the actor became involved in charity work. The Fund, which was founded by Constantine decides on the issues of children with cancer and other serious diseases of the brain. Keira Knightley: ‘Sometimes men hurt too”

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