Кэти Перри поддержала своего возлюбленного!

Katy Perry with all my heart decided to support his beloved Orlando bloom! After the actor she was so necessary at the time of the premiere of a multiseries film Amazon Prime — “Carnival row” in Los Angeles. A fantastic Thriller in which he played the title role, and along with it the main character in this film played – Cara Delevingne.

Кэти Перри поддержала своего возлюбленного!Lit performers of the main roles of this film for bringing attention to this work on the red carpet near the cinema “TCL Chinese”. In contrast to the lonely person in this big time actress Cara Delevingne the actor came to support his fiancée Katy Perry.

Their romance first spoke to the singer after the ceremony “Golden globe” in the beginning of 2016, at which Orlando and Katie were a lot with each other, openly flirted and smiled, not hiding his happy eyes. Later Orlando, and he also confirmed all the rumors about their affair.
And after a while their joint is very romantic break in Hawaii were recorded by the paparazzi, what was confirmed by the seriousness in their relationship.

As he tells Orlando he introduced the bride to his son Flynn, and he very quickly found a common language with the singer. There was even talk that in the same year, the actor made Katie an offer of marriage, but the couple did not confirm this. These two are a year apart, and last year got back together, and on the feast of all lovers on Valentine’s Day, the famous actor again made the offer of marriage to the girl.

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