Кэти Перри выступила с концером на благотворительном гала-вечере Amfar
At the annual charity gala night of Amfar guests were pleasantly surprised with a gorgeous concert performed by Katy Perry.

Кэти Перри выступила с концером на благотворительном гала-вечере Amfar

Our favorite extravagant pop star Katy Perry came on stage in a very interesting way! Her body enveloped thousands of gold cascading rain.

Кэти Перри выступила с концером на благотворительном гала-вечере Amfar

In tone to the top star picked high boots that literally shimmered with rainbow colors with every movement Katie on stage. Besides the singer they performed various dances and performances.

Кэти Перри выступила с концером на благотворительном гала-вечере Amfar

A big plus in the Treasury of her style is the hairstyle itself, which was done in plain, but neat tail. Katy Perry’s hair styled to look incredibly good going

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