Катя Гершуни осталась без квартиры после развода After separating from her husband, the stylist of the programme “ten years younger” and her son David found himself in a very difficult position. Apartment, acquired married, had to sell and move to removable.
Катя Гершуни осталась без квартиры после развода

A year later, Kate rented housing, but then I realized that they baby needs his corner. And last week she finally moved into a new apartment bought in a mortgage.

The split in the marriage of Kate and restaurateur Roman Gershuni happened in 2016.

“I wanted to keep the family together, says the stylist. – Planned to take a break. We Roma have become too different. I developed a job in television, he delved into psychology. However, the husband insisted on the divorce and real estate”.

Half of its cost, relying the woman lacked to buy a new apartment, so six months ago, Kate took a mortgage on a two bedroom apartment near Prospekt Mira.

“To pay off the debt to the Bank I have six years – continues to gershoni. – Roman communicate a little. He has another life and a new woman. But with the child, spending divide in half. Long suffered, had to learn to look optimistically into the future, as days go.”