Караулова готовится стать мамой
For the New year, the singer managed to make three wishes. “I dream about family and children, a country…

Караулова готовится стать мамой

Yulianna Karaulova


With fiance Andrew Black


For the New year, the singer managed to make three wishes. “I dream about family and children, a country house, where he would come close, and the dog, big and kind, — says the singer. — All I wished. And since all my previous wishes for the New year come true, the changes in life expected in the coming months!” Last year was the Julianna so loaded that we had to postpone the meeting with the beloved man (music producer Andrey Cherny. — Approx. ed.). “Even new year’s eve I worked. But if my wishes will come true, the next one would be at home, in the family circle. Andrej and I hope to find time for our wedding.”