Юлия Волкова чувствует поддержку, открыв правду о раке The singer admitted that he’s been through a terrible ordeal. Yulia Volkova suffered thyroid cancer and hid this fact from the General public. Now she wants to draw attention to this problem.

      Юлия Волкова чувствует поддержку, открыв правду о раке

      In the program Oksana Pushkina “mirror for a hero” by Julia Volkova told about that a few years ago she was diagnosed with a deadly disease. The singer was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The actress had surgery to remove a malignant tumor. Because in the darkest moment, the star closed from society, the public was not aware of its problems. Yulia come to mind scary thoughts.

      “I had a three-year break from work, I was treated, struggled with thyroid cancer. Once I had a dream that I was sick and I was given a difficult diagnosis. Went to be checked. When fears were confirmed, I thought, “what if this is all over?” Because after surgery can be chemotherapy. How to meet and to call my mom? Yes, a lot of things I had to change your mind. Of course, everyone who knew about the problem, waiting for recovery,” says the star.

      During the recovery period Volkova was difficult to sing and even to speak. However, the singer was supported by her children, Victoria and Samir, and parents. “I treated the disease with optimism from the very beginning. Of course, it was not easy, wanted to overcome all this. But it was impossible to hurry, it was important to weigh all the good to consider,” says the artist.

      Most of my friends and colleagues, not knowing the truth, let go of her sarcastic comments. So now, when all is left behind, and Julia talks freely about her disease, she feels great relief.

      “I didn’t do any official statements, so often seen comments like “a loud voice cut-procuration”. Yes, it was insulting. And now, when I told the truth about himself, felt the support. Besides, I wanted to draw attention to the problem of cancer and overall health of the people: the need to regularly visit the doctor, be examined. These seemingly simple precautions can save someone’s life. If a person has health, he has everything. And when you have a serious disease, you will not need no money, no friends, no job, no clothes, no match, you have one wish – to live” – says Volkov in an interview with “Peopletalk”.

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