Director Gary Marshall has unveiled a new trailer for the Comedy “Horrible lady”, starring starring Top Hollywood stars Kate Hudson, Julia Roberts and Jennifer aniston.

Despite his honorable age (Marshall already 81 years), it is still full of ideas and happy to work again with my favorite Roberts. We will remind, earlier Julie and Gary had a chance to work on “Pretty woman”, “Runaway bride” and “Valentine’s Day”.

In the center of the plot have women, each going through some difficulties in life – someone can’t have children, someone- a mother, someone because of worries and employment lost contact with his mother and tries to find him again. These three women share a man struggling alone to raise her teenage daughter and the story unfolds just before mother’s Day, which should change everything.

In the new film Roberts appears in a completely unexpected way. Long curls actress was replaced by short cut of bright red hair.

The premiere is scheduled for April 28 this year.

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