Юлия Ковальчук похвасталась бюстом кормящей мамочки
The singer is happy with the changes in their appearance.

Julia Kovalchuk

Photo: @juliakovalchuk (Instagram Yulia Kovalchuk)

Julia Kovalchuk can’t get enough on the changes in appearance that brought to her the image of pregnancy and childbirth. Motherhood postponed imprint on the image of Yulia: fans till the end can’t understand what has changed in your favorite artist? Maybe the whole thing in a couple of extra kilograms?

Julia says that is already used by another reflection in the mirror. “I’ve changed… and I with a new more comfortable!” — answered questions from fans Kovalchuk. The actress supported her colleagues on the stage. Alsu praised Julia in the comments to the photo: “Motherhood is very becoming!” Yulia Nachalova made Kovalchuk a similar compliment. “Okay mommy!” joked on the Network Nachalova.

Fans, by the way, discussing not only the “new face” singer, but her magnificent Breasts, which she showed around in the dress with a daring neckline. This part of the body of Yulia began to look different for obvious reasons: the singer in this period is in the status of breastfeeding mothers.

By the way, breastfeeding was for Kovalchuk rather complex process. “Yes, I still feed the child itself and his own chest — shared not so long ago Julia fans. — It was my great desire, and there was not a second that I doubted. Of course, I didn’t imagine how will be tied to the baby, but it was worth it! Work, shooting, concerts — no problem. But I always have to carry a breast pump. I keep my milk, it remains as the mobile. At the present time the benefit of as many convenient gadgets and accessories that any young mummy (which I consider myself) can fully feed her children, and get to work!”