Юлия Высоцкая признается, что муж Андрей Кончаловский для нее чужой человек
Today, August 20, the anniversary marks one of the most famous film Directors Andrei Konchalovsky, he was 80 years old.

Юлия Высоцкая признается, что муж Андрей Кончаловский для нее чужой человек

Over the last twenty years Konchalovsky happily married to TV presenter and actress Julia Vysotskaya, although Julia is younger than the husband for 36 years. Recently, Andrei made an unexpected confession.

“Julia says you’re a stranger to me. My children – they’re mine, and you may or may not be, says the Director. – That’s right. Mom can’t choose your children, and husbands and wives come and go. And there is the correct voltage, and due to the fact that we are both Leos, there are also powerful collaborative energy.”

Congratulations Andrei Sergeyevich with his anniversary and wish them, first of all, health!

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