Шутка Екатерины Скулкиной обидела ее поклонников
Popular show Comedy Woman pleases the viewers for the past nine years, the show gathered former participants of KVN.

Шутка Екатерины Скулкиной обидела ее поклонников

But recently, the transmission was the cause of scandal when a video was shown to a room with the participation of Catherine Skulkina, Catherine Barnabas, Tatiana Morozova and Tamara Turawa.

Шутка Екатерины Скулкиной обидела ее поклонников

“I, unfortunately, have not seen the text of the scenes the meaning of which so touched the hearts of many people. Personally I have great respect for people of any nationality. This whole situation has been a good experience. Video of the room, which became a bone of contention, was removed from all Internet resources. If it will spread, only of the enemies,” he explained in his Skulkin.

The plot touches upon the inhabitants of the Caucasus, which, in turn, felt that in this case insulted them and hurt their national feelings.

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