Джонни Деппа официально обвинили в нанесении побоев на съемочной площадке
The actor will have to answer for their actions in court.

Johnny Depp


Gregg Brooks, one of the managers who worked
in the film “City of Lies”, filed
in court on johnny Depp, accusing him of beating and insulting.

As reported in his statement, the man, 55-year-old Depp
treated him cruelly and disrespectfully. The incident began with the fact that during
shots Gregg has just put johnny in front of that again
starred in the day the scene will be the last in response to what the actor
raged. He ran after Brooks from the set and pounced on
him with his fists. “Who the hell are you to tell me when and what do I do?! You
all one!” — shouted Depp, and then several times with all the force he hit Gregg
in the ribs. He doubled over in pain, and johnny continued to shout: “come on
try it, hit me in the face! Weak? I am ready to give you 100 thousand
dollars, if you dare to do it, you coward!!!”

Brooks with difficulty he restrained himself and did not succumb to
provocation. He decided to bring the actor to answer legally. According to the Manager who filed the complaint, the actions of Depp he suffered both physical and
damages. Interestingly, the film’s Director brad Furman stood up for johnny, saying that “Depp is a true professional, respectful of colleagues,” and
the story, told Brooks, is greatly exaggerated. But Gregg insists that
everything was exactly as he described.

There is a possibility that the court
stand on the side of Brooks. After all, the reputation of Depp is not flawless: in
past johnny was accused of beating — we are talking about ex-wife
actor amber heard. Although she did not
to prove their accusations in court, many believed that the actress said
the truth. Recall that the claim of Brooks was the second of the charges against Depp for
last year. With him suing his former managers, claiming that he
not paid them a few million
dollars, and his fortune squandered because of their own extravagance.