Джонни Депп извинился за свою шутку о Дональде Трампе

Hollywood actor johnny Depp was invited to star in the musical Glastonbury festival, held in the UK. Celebrity unfortunate joke about the murder of the American President Donald trump, and he had to bring public apologies.

“Can we bring trump? I think he needs help, and I know some deep, dark places where he could go. It’s just a question, I’m not suggesting anything.. When was the last time the actor killed a President?” — johnny joked (or not joked), and the audience approved said the star of “Pirates of the Caribbean” with an approving roar.
Has not passed also several hours as the White house publicly condemned the words johnny in a public statement.
“President trump condemns violence in all its forms. It is sad that other people, such as johnny Depp, don’t follow his example. We believe that colleagues of the actor do not share his opinions and oppose such rhetoric, as they would have done if these words were said in address of the representative Democrats” — said in a statement.
A few hours ago edition People there was a comment johnny, in which he brings his public apology for bad joke.
“I want to apologize for the bad joke aside Donald trump said last night. I didn’t mean to offend anyone, and had no malice or desire to hurt anyone. I just wanted to have fun” — justified Depp.