Джоан Роулинг извинилась перед читателями за убийство професора Снейпа

The legendary British writer J. K. Rowling, gave the world the universe of Harry Potter, brought readers an apology for the murder of Professor Severus Snape. She did this on his page in social network Twitter.

“Please don’t quarrel over this, but this year I would like to apologize for the murder (whispering) Snape *runs around the corner*” he left a strange message on his page Joan. Every may 2 Rowling, and with it all fans of Harry Potter, marks the anniversary of the fight for Hogwarts. On the same day a year ago, the writer publicly regretted the murder of Professor Remus Lupin.
Recall that in the film adaptation of the book the role of Severus was played by Alan Rickman, who died last year.