Джим Керри расщедрился на чаевые

Jim Carrey has blessed the waitress of one of restaurants of new York.

Like other celebrities, movie star, after the meal, we decided not to skimp on the tip and greatly thanked the person who served it.

Two-time winner of the “Golden globe” has decided that the 20 % Deposit will be enough as thanks for the service, and therefore left 170%.

Lucky was the waitress of The Chester restaurant in new York. Jim Carrey had lunch in the amount of 151 to the dollar, and then left the girl a tip in the amount of $ 225.

Recall, recently it became known about a new novel by the actor. After recovering from the suicide of a former girlfriend, Jim continues to live and goes on dates.

Kerry was spotted in the company of a mysterious stranger. For the sake of meeting with the girl Jim much has changed, got a haircut and shaved off his beard, so that seems to have dropped a decade or two.

By the way, the girl some secular commentators have recognized the actress Gal Gadot, seen, for example, in the “fast & Furious 7”. So far no comments to this effect have been reported.


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