Джим Керри возложил ответственность за самоубийство его возлюбленной на ее родственников
The actor publicly insulted the mother of the lost girl.

Джим Керри возложил ответственность за самоубийство его возлюбленной на ее родственников

Jim Carrey


The Lawyer Jim Carrey
on behalf of your client went to court, demanding to stop the proceedings against
him at the suit of Bridget Sweetman, mom’s sweetheart Jim — Katrina white, committed
a in September of 2013. Mrs. Sweetman claims that
the actor, who knew that he is the bearer of three sexually transmitted
infections were not warned about that Catriona and infected her. In his letters,
presented to the court, the girl complained that she feels “spoiled
goods” and confessed that she’s afraid to live with it can’t…
disease the girl she had severe depression which ended in tragedy:
she took a handful of pills and died. This version was used and
ex-husband white mark Barton. This was reported by the website etonline.com.

He Jim said
he wasn’t infected and not to blame for the illness of Katrina. Says
actor, she found that she was infected long before his death, but he did not, and someone else
was the culprit of this incident. Moreover, according to Kerry, the Catriona,
allegedly admitted that falsely accuse Jim of his sickness and apologized
in front of him.

Catriona White

Photo: Instagram

However, no evidence of his words, Kerry is not provided.

But he made
a counter-attack against Mrs. Sweetman. Jim stated that it was for Catriona
a bad mother, and that she is to blame for the suicide of his daughter. And now
wants to cash in on her death, extorting money from him… So
the injured party in this story, the actor considers himself. In this case, note that
Jim changed his initial testimony in which he said that at the time
the death of white he with her. Now, the actor said that “they
Catriona was a loving couple to the very end” and that he mourns her death
more than her family.