Дженнифер Лопес часто критиковали за внешность в начале карьеры
Today, the famous singer Jennifer Lopez boasts a luxurious figure that will be envied by young girls.

Дженнифер Лопес часто критиковали за внешность в начале карьеры

But it was not always so, early in his career the singer has often been criticized for being too fat and encouraged to lose weight. But Jennifer didn’t care about the opinions of others.

Дженнифер Лопес часто критиковали за внешность в начале карьеры

“People have told me that I have a few pounds to lose. And sometimes told me how to behave. In the end I came to the conclusion that every time I start this conversation, I said, “I am who I am. I look here and nothing else,” says Lopez.

Recall that currently, Jennifer is happily in a relationship with Alex Rodriguez, who could easily find a common language with children of the actress from a previous marriage.

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