Дженнифер Лопес впервые откровенно рассказала о своем романе с Алексом Родригесом
Singer admitted that first came to Rodriguez.

Дженнифер Лопес впервые откровенно рассказала о своем романе с Алексом Родригесом

The other day
Jennifer Lopez surprised her fans. The fact that usually the singer is trying not to say anything about his
personal life. But during a recent TV show Ellen DeGeneres leading managed to provoke
47-year-old Jennifer Frank, and she suddenly decided for the first time to tell us about your novel
with Alex Rodriguez.

For a start
Lopez told how she began her novel. She had lunch with a friend in one of the
restaurants Los Angeles and suddenly went past her high athletic
the addition of the man she learned the famous former baseball player Rodriguez.
And then, when she finished her meal, on leaving the institution she
ran into Alex and then, as told to Jennifer, she somehow irresistibly
I wanted to talk to him. “Hi, Alex!” she said, turning to him. That is clearly
and was delighted and they began a conversation. They chatted a bit and parted. And then
Rodriguez, procured somewhere through mutual friends her phone, wrote her: “How
about dinner together?” And Jennifer said, “Come on!”.

Alex Rodriguez

admitted Lopez, the first date went fine. “And tonight, of course,
ended in bed?” — asked sarcastically, Medianeras. “Oh, no!
Self-respecting women with children don’t make love after the first date!” — firmly replied Lopez. Soon, however, Rodriguez moved from Miami, where he lived
the last few years in Los Angeles,
to be closer to Jennifer and since
then, they started seeing each other almost every day.

to appear in public, Lopez and Rodriguez began in March of this year, and the last
while they are generally virtually inseparable, even when busy
work. For example, the singer was accompanied by Alex on his business trip to Miami, and
he flew with her to the concert in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, both have already
to acquaint the elected representatives with their relatives, and the twins of Lopez and daughter Rodriguez
from his previous marriage, become best friends. So there is every reason in the foreseeable
the future, waiting for the announcement of the engagement of Jennifer and Alex.