Дженнифер Лоуренс разлучила Криса Пратта с женой
Before fans were shocked by the news about the divorce of the star family of Chris Pratt and Anna Faris.

Дженнифер Лоуренс разлучила Криса Пратта с женой

The Hollywood star decided to tell us about this information by posting post on the Internet. But the reasons for the divorce are not known.

Дженнифер Лоуренс разлучила Криса Пратта с женой

Fans are sure that Chris was fascinated by the other actress Jennifer Lawrence, with whom he starred in the film “Passengers”. And then there were the rumors that the actors involved. Chris and Jennifer, these rumors were quick to refute, but Anna later admitted that this sort of gossip it was very hard to hear.

“Now, watch Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence,” the post on the Internet fans.

I hope that Pratt and Faris themselves report the reasons for the divorce, halting the spread of gossip.

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