Дженнифер Гарнер призналась, что в браке с Беном Аффлеком не смогла привыкнуть к преследованиям папарацци
Jennifer garner tries to avoid the topic of their relations with Ben Affleck, but still touched on this subject in the course of the conversation with the journalist.

Дженнифер Гарнер призналась, что в браке с Беном Аффлеком не смогла привыкнуть к преследованиям папарацци

In recognition of Jennifer, she could not get used to the increased attention to his person. All the years while she was married to Ben, it was pursued by paparazzi in order to write a sensational news.

Дженнифер Гарнер призналась, что в браке с Беном Аффлеком не смогла привыкнуть к преследованиям папарацци

“Looking back, I still experience stress because of this. Even now, in saying this, I feel that I can cry. Everyone said that I just have to go through this test and then will not be so difficult. But the hardest part for me was just to pass through it.

I think this situation has taught me that close attention to his personal life is putting pressure on important decisions. You are in a hurry to get married because you are under pressure of constant press speculation “are They together or not?”. This principle works in the opposite direction: even if you have no problems, the press will invent them for you,” said garner.

It is worth noting that the couple decided to divorce two years ago, but Ben helps ex-wife with raising three children.

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