Дженнифер Энистон устала об бесконечных слухов о ее интересном положении
And again the famous actress Jennifer aniston has become one of the most talked about person in the Network.

Дженнифер Энистон устала об бесконечных слухов о ее интересном положении

A few days ago all Western tabloids were informed about the interesting position of a celebrity. But then again it was only a rumor, and Jennifer could not remain silent and expressed their outrage.

“If I could, I would forbid the press to use your photo with the hand next to the stomach and the caption: “Finally pregnant!”. Media just take my photos and create a story around it. You should only eat an extra slice or two, so all around immediately think you’re pregnant. Actually it’s just my body. Pregnancy for couples only,” said aniston reporters.

It is worth noting that the actress no children, and with her husband they are married to Justin Theroux for two years, so about the pregnancy of the actress periodically reported in various publications.

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