Дженнифер Энистон и Джастин Теру готовятся к разводу
Actress Jennifer aniston spent two years and a half in marriage with Justin Theroux.

Дженнифер Энистон и Джастин Теру готовятся к разводу

Recently the couple shocked fans by announcing the divorce. They have decided this is officially to inform, to dispel any possible rumors.

Дженнифер Энистон и Джастин Теру готовятся к разводу

“In order to avoid any further speculation, we have decided to announce the divorce. It’s a decision that we took at the end of last year, was mutual. We are two best friends who break up as a couple, but will continue to remain friends.

Of course, we would like to do it in private, but given the fact that around will still speculate and start rumors, we decided to tell about it. All that is said and written about us without our knowledge, is not true. First of all, we want to keep the respect and love that is felt about each other,” said the couple.

Recently in the Network appeared frequently with information about the problems in the family of celebrities, but they are denied these rumors.

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