Жасмин отдаст дочь на воспитание Алле Пугачевой Margarita can go in her mother’s footsteps. According to the singer, she does not exclude that the girl has to be success in the musical field. Jasmine admitted that the heir grows very creative child, so her talents need to be developed.

      Singer Jasmine and Alla Pugacheva has for several years enjoyed cordial and friendly relations. According to the singer, she is very pleased that under the leadership of the prima Donna there is a vocal school, where young children put the voice and teach the musical notation and develop talents of kids. Jasmine claims that from an early age she instills a daughter Margaret love, therefore, does not exclude that will soon turn to Pugacheva.

      “While Alla on Margarita still not professionally looking. But soon we’ll go to the audition. She will tell whether the talent margaritas and what you need to do in order to consolidate and improve! I’ve always wanted to give my daughter to this center. But once I Alla said that in children the voice becomes better after five years. So we paused. But soon Margaret will be five,” said star’s mom.

      Jasmine became a mother last spring, a lot of coddling with a little Myron, but not to deprive the time Margater and eldest son. According to the artist, while a four year old daughter can’t decide what she likes the most. At this age, Margarita attracts gymnastics and figure skating. Besides, to introduce the successor to their own culture, Jasmine decided to teach her to dance.

      “I try to develop comprehensively daughter. Now we took for my daughter’s new dance teacher of Dagestan. I at the time, his eldest son Misha taught. And now I want to know how to dance and Margarita”, – explained the singer.

      At the moment Jasmine is resting together with his young children abroad. Little Myron first went to sea. The singer does not hide a burning feeling towards the baby. Star shares touching shots with the boy in his microblog. Often subscribers ask her not jealous if daughter mother. Jasmine explained how the situation in their family. Jasmine, Marina, Kim and Denis Matrosov showed children in “Let them talk

      “I try to pay daughter as much attention, although I have now on hand a small son Myron. She even is jealous of me to him. Recently was a great occasion: I saw the baby and go saying, “mother’s boy, mother’s boy!” As Daisy runs up from behind, pulls me up and shouts: “now tell me, that I am my mother’s daughter!” Their jealousy it presents very nicely, delicately. They say you Myron attentive, but don’t forget about me,” explained the star in an interview with “Interlocutor.ru”.