Джейми Фокс: «Эд Ширан спал на моём диване, когда ещё не был знаменит»

Star friendship is sometimes unpredictable. Did you know that Hollywood actor Jamie Foxx and a popular British singer ed Sheeran – old friends? In an interview with Entertainment Tonight said the star of “Django unchained”.

As you know, Jamie often helps budding artists. This list includes 26-year-old Sheeran. 49-year-old Fox admitted that ed, an aspiring singer, stayed at his house.
“Ed lived with me for six weeks. Before becoming famous, he visited my couch” joked Jamie and added that in addition to Sheeran on the same couch visited Nick cannon, Anthony Hamilton, and others.
“If I feel in people, and I’m happy to help,” said Fox.
The words of the artist was confirmed by Ansel Elgort, star of the film “Baby Driver”. According to 23-year-old actor, Foxx was a great mentor.
“He really radiates love and support. As a young aspiring actor, I was very nervous on the filming of this movie, and he encouraged me and helped me. I didn’t even think that such big stars can be so supportive of beginners,” said Ansel.