Джеймс Пэкер засыпал Мерайю Кери любовными посланиями накануне расставания

The separation of James packer and his lover of Meraji Keri was a surprise not only for fans of the couple but also for close friends. Environment lovers, were sure that the couple will soon be married, and a few days before that fateful trip to Greece, which put an end to their relationship, James wrote love messages to Carey, who once touched her heart.

Джеймс Пэкер засыпал Мерайю Кери любовными посланиями накануне расставания
“My love, my joy, light, respect and adoration.. Thank you, my bride and soul mate. Will you marry me MKP (Meraja Keri packer – approx. of the author) please -))))).”, “I love you and can’t wait for you to marry me and be mine forever. Now I’m listening to a song that for me has Bolshoe value and hope that you’re smiling in this moment. All you can do in the sky between the moon and new York is to fall in love with a star,” wrote James.
By the way, Maria in any way has not commented on the breakup. Star was shocked and unpleasantly surprised by the reports of the Australian edition of Woman’s Day that it was James threw his passion. They had problems, but they parted by mutual consent. Merayu very upset with their statements, because she was not in a favorable light.
Media wrote that Keri wanted publicity (usual for her), but her fiancé was against it, so she used it as background and didn’t want to appear in reality show stars.
“He’s not as public, and life under the flashes of cameras was unpleasant,” — said the insiders Australian tabloid.
Meanwhile, a fiancée, James had left her a gorgeous engagement ring with a diamond of 35 carats. It turns out, to demand the ring back in case of a broken engagement in California is illegal.

“The law in California forbids the engagement ring back because not Maria engaged. She had serious intentions to marry him. She had a dress her daughter wore a dress, they were all waiting for this event with excitement, building wedding plans. During their stay in Greece, James said, “It’s too much for me. I can’t do this anymore”. Thus this James is the initiator of the divorce,” says the insider. Yes, and it is hard to believe that a billionaire would be humiliated, demanding the ring of the once beloved woman, which would make her my wife.