Иван Ургант возьмет шефство над собакой, родившей в метро

The presenter, as they say, will help to find the owners of the mother dog andirons, and her ten puppies.

News about how the dog-mongrel went into the car of the Moscow subway and there gave birth to puppies, perhaps everyone knows. Now, the story has continued!

We managed to get through to a volunteer animal shelter “Saraswat” where is the dog with the puppies and learn a few interesting details.

Volunteer Ale first noted that when the Taganka was brought to the shelter, she was a little scared. Apparently, the thought that she will take away the cubs. But now she feels well, doesn’t leave puppies and eats well, and next to it round the clock in vets (just in case).

Also, according to Ali, Taganka very affectionate and behaves with very friendly staff.

“It seems to us that before the dog was home. Otherwise no way to explain her communication skills, – the volunteer told. — And Moscow was very lucky. She’s a real star! As soon as the articles about it started appearing in the media, the shelter had started calling people to offer help. We even have a few people willing to take puppies as soon as they get a little older. Although, I think the Taganka host there. Especially with the PR they promised to help and the leadership of the Moscow metro, and television.”

By the way, on television. Some sources write that on Taganke wants to tell himself Ivan Urgant. He has asked the shelter staff to participate in its category “Mimimi” on the show “Evening Urgant”.

I hope that with the layouts of Taganka and her cubs will quickly find a warm home. And maybe, thanks to the mongrel are the hosts and other animals “Zoorasia”? The orphanage now live 320 stray dogs and 78 cats. View and select any day from 13 to 18 hours.

Telephone worker shelter “Saraswat”: +7 977 315 60 03 (Ale).

A little video of the dog in Taganay and her 10 babies) #sebagaimana #soursweet #Brewtality #sibacademfinance #Tabacalera #Tagankaya #povsemestnymi #pomeshivayte #doghelp #dogstagram #dogs #zoorassvet

Video published Saraswat (@moscowzoohome) Oct 3 2016 11:51 PDT