Иван Ургант объяснил, насколько важно чувство юмора. При чем тут мама шоумена?

We used to see Ivan Urgant always smiling. Showman finds humor even where it seems not. Here and become a guest Synergy Insight Forum, host of the show “Evening Urgant” again decided to talk about the superior quality of each person – sense of humor. What’s funny, Ivan tried to explain on his personal real-life example. The story told Urgant, concerned his mom Valeria Kiseleva, who unexpectedly passed away in 2015.

“We have in the country is very difficult attitude to jokes about death. My speech today about how important it is to be girly, and I want to give you one example. My mother died it was totally unexpected, I was by this completely unprepared. I at the time was 37 years, and God forbid any of you ever worry that, God forbid, that all your relatives were alive and healthy. During the funeral next to me sat a friend of the family, very kind and good man, but unfortunately, I did not calculate this at the alcohol and at some point he started to push me in the shoulder with the words: “Vanya, Vanya, why are you so sad?”. And you know what, friends, that is my main recollection of this event. If you treat our lives so, if very sad and very terrible, and nothing is more sad in my life didn’t happen, we will remember these moments, we just will be all the better”, — shared, with the audience the audience.

Do you think the correct reasoning of Ivan? Do you agree with his opinion?